Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Blog Tour & Review!!! In Too Deep-- Jordan Marie!!!

Okay, so first off- did it suck majorly to be Hope? Yes, it absolutely did. Would I have done the same thing in her situation? Yep, probably so. Now, don't go jumping to conclusions and think that I'm some horrible person trying to trick a guy into falling in love with me or something- but come on. Aden was a grade A jerk to Hope the entire time he stayed at her hotel before his accident. So, why wouldn't she think that the first thing he would do after it, would be to sue her for everything she owns? She was just trying to protect herself and her child.
That said, was what she did okay? Nope. She told a lie that snowballed into something so big, she had no way of controlling the chaos that eventually ensued- including Aden's ultimate surprise to her. There were SO many times I found myself shouting at her to come clean- to tell him what was really going on, and beg him to understand why she did it. Anything to avoid what would eventually be an ugly outcome.
And, even knowing how ugly it could be, I was in no way prepared for the devastation that Aden wrought. The cruelty, the words he slung Hope's way- everything. It gutted me as much as it did her. But even then, I couldn't find it in my heart to hate him for it, because I knew it came from a place so painful, that he couldn't control it. I knew his soul had just been ripped from his body when he discovered the truth, because he had fallen in love with Hope, with Jack and with his new life. But most importantly, with the new Aden. Because he was truly a new man, and I think that was what hurt him the most- he didn't know how to deal with all of that.
I went through so many emotions with this one, but welcomed every one of them, because this story was just that good. I knew I had to run the gamut to get the full effect. The laughter, as well as the pain, had to come through for me to truly understand both Aden and Hope. This was my first one of Jordan Marie's solo works, but I can guarantee you- it will NOT be the last!!
5 stars!!!

I did a bad thing.

I did a really bad thing.

I’m not a bad person, I swear. I just made a few mistakes.

Mistake number one was agreeing to rent my hotel out to an insufferable a**hole, named Aden Smith­.

Mistake number two was ignoring his threats to sue me when he handed over a list of items he deemed “unacceptable”.

Mistake number three was diving into the pool to save his life when he fell. It would have been less complicated to hide his body.

When the hospital refuses to let me know how he is, I panic.

Claiming to be his wife might be my biggest mistake yet—especially when he believes me!

He might have been the one drowning, but I’m sinking in a bed of lies, going down fast—and there’s not a rescue in sight.

I planned to apologize. Really—I did. I was dreading it. In my experience when you apologize to a woman you show them weakness, and with weakness they smell blood. It never ends well. Still, I shouldn’t have said what I did about her. I was going to the office to say I’m sorry, see if there was literature about where I can find a place with take-out food and leave—quickly.
One thing stops me.
I open the door to the office and this small boy comes running out at me, completely naked. He slaps his hands against my legs, just reaching above my knee. I stop quickly so I don’t plow him over.
“You my Daddy?” he asks. I know nothing about kids, but I do know one of the last things I ever want to hear from one are those words. His question strikes fear in my heart, but the fact his hands are covered in some dark brown unknown substance terrifies me. I watch as it smears across the legs of my favorite jeans. I’m not sure what it is, but he’s not wearing any clothes—including a diaper. Do kids his size wear diapers?
“Jack! You get back here right now young man!”
The child screams the name like it’s being torn from his heart, the moment White’s cousin captures him in her arms and pulls him away. The scream is so piercing I wince.
“Do you need something?” she asks over the noise. Her face instantly hardens, whereas just a moment ago she was smiling, even chasing after her son.
“Does he belong to you?” I ask, all thoughts of giving an apology gone. My voice is that of a growl really. It seems this woman brings out the worst in me.
“He destroyed my clothes.”
Her eyes go round and briefly I notice she has brown eyes…almost as dark as whatever the child rubbed all over me.
“Daddy!” he screams again, and the woman’s face blushes a deep red.
“Hush, Jack. That’s not your Daddy,” she hisses.
“He doesn’t know who his father is?” I don’t bother keeping the censure out of my voice. This entire revelation doesn’t surprise me. I’m making a mental note to punch White in the face the next time I see him.
“It’s just chocolate. It will come out of your pants. You should probably flush it with club soda or…”
“Do I look like I do laundry?”
“Does your hotel even have laundry service?”
“There’s a laundry mat in town,” she says defensively.
“Daddy!” the child screams again.
“Listen, Jack and I were—”
“Wrestling in chocolate?”
“Is there something you need?” she all but growls, her face tight with irritation.

Want to catch up on Going Down Hard, Book 1 in the Doing Bad Things series?

USA Today Best Selling Author Jordan Marie, is just a simple small town country girl who is haunted by Alpha Men who talk in her head 24 hours a day.

She currently has 14 books out including 2 that she wrote under the pen name Baylee Rose.

She likes to create a book that takes you on an emotional journey whether tears, laughter (or both) or just steamy hot fun (or all 3). She loves to connect with readers and interacting with them through social media, signings or even old fashioned email.

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