Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Blog Tour & Review!!! It Happens-- Lani Lynn Vale!!!


Lawd how mercy y'all- how in the land did these two not get together years before they did??? The chemistry between Zee and Jubilee is hotter than a two dollar pistol!! For real!!
I know that we all just about say that with everyone of Lani's couples, because seriously- they all hit in out of the ballpark when they get together- but these two walk a VERY fine love for years between love and hate (leaning more toward hate), that I think lends itself to the explosive passion they share. At the moment that they finally do realize the feelings that they have denied for way too long- it's something that cannot be stopped- no matter the guilt that they feel, the shame they are afraid may be cast upon them, or even the hate that they thought they once felt. Their love for one another is much too powerful for any of that.
Now, their road to beauty is not perfect- not by any means. In all honesty, it is down right ugly- filled with a tragic history that haunts them both with bitter and horrific memories of their shared past. Lani does a fantastic job of sharing their story, both in the past, and in the present, to make us understand why Zee and Jubilee are why they are- why they originally hate each other, and why they eventually love so deeply that nothing could ever tear them apart.
As we get closer to the end of this series, I get even more melancholy about the thought of not seeing these couples in every book, because it just sucks. But, I also know that means that LLV has a new series coming our way too. And for that, I'm thankful, because who doesn't want more Lani Lynn??


Zee + Annmarie and Tan + Jubilee. 

Forever. No exceptions. 

 They were to have the picture-perfect life together. Everything was all planned out. 
 Jubilee was to marry Eitan and Ezekiel was to marry Annmarie. That’s how it was always supposed to be from the moment that they met. Textbook, right? 


 Eitan and Annmarie die in a freak accident that never should have happened, leaving the two survivors reeling. 

 Sixteen years later, Jubilee and Zee can’t even be in the same room with each other before things begin to deteriorate. Too many memories. Too much pain. Not enough forgiveness. 

 They’re like hellfire and holy water, and neither one of them is willing to admit that they’re wrong.

 Then one day things change, and all of a sudden, they’re looking at each other like maybe they aren’t each other’s enemies after all.  




Lani Lynn Vale is a USA Today Bestselling Author of over thirty titles. She is married with three children, two dogs, two cats, a donkey, and a couple (a couple also meaning over twenty) chickens. When she’s not writing, you can find her curled up in her favorite chair reading. Lani is married with three children and lives in the Great State of Texas. 

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