Wednesday, January 22, 2020

New Release & Review!!! Riven Knight— Devney Perry!!!

Y’all...... this book. Yes, just so much yes. Everything, but everything about Genevieve and Isaiah is phenomenal. Two strangers, bound together by a terrible secret, now facing a newly committed life as one unit. How could you NOT want to devour every word? Not to mention, it’s Devney Perry, and it’s apparent that this woman does no wrong in the literary sense. 
The Tin Gypsies have quickly won my heart over as some of the fiercest, and most delicious, men that I’ve ever read. First Draven, after meeting him in Nick and Emmeline’s book- total Daddy material. Yes sir. And then, Dash. Dash y’all. A freaking amazingly perfect specimen of man that I wanted to crawl into my Kindle, just to be with. And now, the man that knocked them out of the water- the silent and broody man that made Genevieve his “doll”........ total swoon. 
There are SO many wonderful parts to this book, and one that will break your freaking heart. I’m talking, I ugly cried. Hard. I was gutted. I know why it had to happen, but the fact that this horrible thing DID happen. I was not okay. Not even a little bit. That’s how Devney does, she sucks you in and doesn’t let you go, so that when you’re done with the story, it stays with you. Her words haunt, in the best and most beautiful way. And I freaking love it. And Riven Knight- every word, sheer and utter genius. 


Release Date: January 21st, 2020

Genevieve Daylee didn’t expect to be standing in front of a judge on her twenty-seventh birthday. But ever since her life became entangled with a former motorcycle gang, she’s learned not to expect anything but trouble.

Her mother, a woman she once admired and adored, is gone, leaving behind a trail of secrets and lies. She’s living in a tiny apartment above a garage owned by her brother, a man who loathes her very existence. And the father she met beside her mother’s grave is as much of a stranger as Isaiah Reynolds, the broken man with soulless eyes standing beside her in front of the judge.

Isaiah is her protector from the murderer at large in Clifton Forge. Though he’s more like a riven knight in dented armor than a prince on a white stallion. She knows next to nothing about him, other than he works as a mechanic. As of tonight, he’ll be sharing her bathroom.

And, according to the judge, Isaiah is now her husband.

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