Tuesday, October 29, 2019

New Release & Review!!! If You Say So— Lani Lynn Vale!!!

Wow, just wow. That’s exactly what was going through my mind when I realized that Lani was going to be doing a book about Frankie and Luca. It was like I was feeling all of the feelings about Tunnel all over again. 
And I was loving it. 
My heart was breaking for Frankie so many times throughout the story, knowing that she was feeling so much guilt, with having feelings for her seemingly dead fiancé’s best friend. And for Luca, in having those same feelings for Frankie, and thinking that he was the best friend, and thinking that he definitely shouldn’t be having those feelings for his friend’s woman. Way too much guilt, and not enough explanations. And so much lost time. And pain. So much pain. 
But more than anything- there was love. Almost more love than I’d ever seen between another couple. These two have it in spades. Even though they are basically starting over from scratch, due to Luca’s memory loss, the love between them has NEVER faded. Not even a little bit. Not an ounce. It seeps from every pore and every page.
That’s something that Lani is absolutely able to do with every couple that she writes, and without a doubt, she’s done it with Luca and Frankie. I devoured every word, fed off of them like the sustenance that I needed for my survival. This book, it became a part of me. I couldn’t put it down, and it has stayed with me, long after I’ve finished it. 
I cannot wait to see what she’s got in store next, even though, it’s going to have to be big to top these guys.

Gabriel Luca Maldonado, III and Francesca Leandra Solomon were meant to be. They were so in love that everybody prayed for what they had.
Everything was glorious. They would get married, have children and live a perfect life. She would be a doctor in the emergency room once she finished her doctorate, and he would be a badass Navy SEAL and save people for a living. 
But then Luca is deployed across the world, and per military regulations, Frankie isn’t allowed to follow.
They’ve overcome a lot in their short relationship, and they can overcome this, too. Two years was a piece of cake. She’d finish her schooling and wait for him. And when he finally returned home, they would marry.
But two months into Luca’s deployment, the unthinkable happens, and Frankie is left alone and heartbroken, knowing that she’ll have to face the rest of life without Luca at her side.
Fast forward two years, and Frankie is exactly where her fiancé’s father left her, in a pit of despair that she has no hope of ever finding her way out of.
She lives life one second at a time, depressed and alone, hoping tomorrow won’t hurt like today.
She finds a job, moves, and hopes that the nightmares won’t swallow her whole.
But just as she thinks that she’s getting better, one of her nightmares walks through the doors of her ER, and that nightmare has a name.
Gabriel Luca Maldonado, III. In the flesh.
Also healthy and whole, and definitely no longer missing.
Sadly, it only takes her a half a second to realize that the man that left her isn’t the same man that returned.
The old one wanted her. The new one? Well, he’s definitely not interested anymore.

Get Your Copy HERE

Lani Lynn Vale is a USA Today Bestselling Author of over thirty titles. She is married with three children, two dogs, two cats, a donkey, and a couple (a couple also meaning over twenty) chickens.
When she’s not writing, you can find her curled up in her favorite chair reading.
Lani is married with three children and lives in the Great State of Texas.

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