Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Blog Tour & Review!!! I’d Rather Not— Lani Lynn Vale!!!

1,873,267- that’s the number of ways that I can think of that I adore Oakley and Pace. Just WAY to freaking many to name, folks. But Pace, just god. The love for this man- it runs deep. I had no idea that when I met him in the earlier books that he’d have such a profound effect on me. I mean, I knew he was special, I knew it to my bones, but this?? Nothing could have prepared me for this.
This soul deep love that Pace Vineyard has for Oakley- that’s the stuff of legends. The stuff of true romance novels. The stuff that only Lani Lynn can give us. 
I always thought that no couples could outdo the originals, the parents, the OG’s. I was wrong. The kids are quickly making me eat my words. They’re tearing up the pages. Making their marks. Letting us all know who they belong to, and just why we should remember where they came from. And Oakley Spurlock is most definitely a shining example of such. If there was ever a family for me to pick for Pace to be a member of, that’d be it. No Momma would’ve defended him and fought tooth and nail for the man she considered one of her own, quite like Viddie. No man would’ve gone through hell and high water to find a kidney for his kid, quite like Trance, or any other Spurlock brother. These men are the best. The women are their perfect compliments. 
And these kids...... they’re only getting started. 
I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Oakley Spurlock is dying. 

She only has weeks to live thanks to a freak infection that totally and completely destroyed her kidneys.

Despite her family's desperation, not a single one of them is a match. 

In a last-ditch attempt, Oakley's father takes to social media to bed for help to save his daughter's life.

Pace Vineyard is lost. So lost, in fact, that he's not sure he wasnts to be found.

But then a beautiful woman's face is splashed across social media, and Pace finds a spark in his soul for the first time since a bomb went off beside him.

He's already missing two legs. What's one more kidney?

At least, that's what he tells himself.

What he doesn't expect is to give his heart to the woman, too. Or for the woman to run away with it and force him to follow.

Buy Here NOW!

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Lani Lynn Vale is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author of over thirty titles. She is married with three children, two dogs, two cats, a donkey, and a couple (a couple meaning over twenty) chickens. She hails from the Great State of Texas.

When she's not writing, you can find her curled up in her favorite chair reading. 

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