Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Blog Tour & Review!!! One Chance, Fancy-- Lani Lynn Vale!!!

 How long have we all been waiting for the grumpy bear that is Bayou to get his HEA? His woman? His little slice of beauty in this messed up world? Way too long, that's how long. And finally, FINALLY- it's time. And with a McKenzie no less. 
Bayou and Phoebe could not have been more perfect together, if you ask me. After reading about their past together. Having seen how Phoebe was one of the only people who understood, I mean truly understood Bayou and the ins and outs of his affliction, I knew there would never be anyone that would be as special for either one of them. They were instantly attached to one another on a level so deep, that it would have taken heaven and earth to break it. Years passed, situations changed for both of them, and yet neither of them forgot the other.
That was nothing other than love. Pure and simple.
However, as in love and happy as Bayou and Phoebe find themselves, they also get one heck of a curveball thrown their way, when a tiny yet shocking part of Bayou's past comes back and wiggles her little bottom into their lives. But Phoebe doesn't let that stop her from claiming her man and her happiness- she decides that everything she wants- her man and a family with him, is right at her fingertips, all she has to do is reach out and grab it.
And grab it she does.
Like I said before, there's nothing that isn't amazing and perfect about Phoebe and Bayou, and if Lani had done anything differently- it probably would've broken my heart. Luckily, she didn't and we got this beautiful story, about this beautiful man and woman that only wanted to love one another, and find the beauty and happiness that they deserved.

Benson Bayou Beauregard is the president of the Bear Bottom Guardians MC, and the grandson of the Sergeant at Arms for the Dixie Wardens MC. He’s a mountain of a man and the warden of a prison, and there’s only one thing that can scare him—being told that he’s the father of a three-year-old little girl. 

A three-year-old little girl that has no clue who he is. Hell, he only finds out about the little cherub when a woman from child protective services comes by and rocks his world before leaving the girl in his shocked arms. 

Every single thing he thinks he knows goes up in a cloud of smoke. 

To make matters worse, the woman that he’s been trying to convince to give him a chance takes one look at the little girl and tells him that he’s just not in the right place to handle both of them. 

But Bayou was never one to back down from a challenge. 

He can handle a three-year-old girl that acts exactly like him, and he can more than take on the fiery red-head that sets flame to his blood while he’s at it.






Lani Lynn Vale is a USA Today Bestselling Author of over thirty titles. She is married with three children, two dogs, two cats, a donkey, and a couple (a couple also meaning over twenty) chickens. When she’s not writing, you can find her curled up in her favorite chair reading. Lani is married with three children and lives in the Great State of Texas.

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