Thursday, September 4, 2014

Grit-- Margaret McHeyzer

Well, this is the story of Jaeger and Phoenix (Dillon), and the first time in a while that I have given such a low rating to a book. Let me first say, that it is usually hard for me to find an MC book that I don't completely enjoy, however- this was the first. 
There were some good points to the book for sure- I loved Phoenix's feisty attitude and will to fight for herself at all costs. I loved her relationship with Milina, and the way that Nix would readily sacrifice herself for her best friend. And I totally ADORED Sarge!! And the way he is with Milina- god I hope they have a book on the way.....
But I couldn't stand Jaeger. I tried- really, I did. But I just couldn't find anything about him that drew me in. There is a total difference in an alpha badass and a total jackass. He is definitely the latter. I really hated the way he just assumed Nix would fall at his feet and instantly become his, simply after he told her that he had seen her once, years prior. I mean- the girl just lost everything she held dear in her life, and all of a sudden this idiot has stormed in and tells her that he now owns her family farm, and he owns her as well. Come on! What kind of clueless idiot does that?? And then to continue to do it throughout the book- yeah, total moron. 
The only thing that Nix continued to ask Jaeger the entire time, was to go home. In my mind, if he truly cared for her- he would have done anything possible to make that request come to fruition. Instead- he continues to ignore her- and eventually even trades her farm away!! Sarge really said it best- Jaeger is a total jackass!!
All in all, I just couldn't get past Jaeger's ignorant ways to allow Nix to save the story. I can only hope that Sarge and Milina have a book coming- as I feel as though that could redeem the story here. I can't say that I won't be reading more of Margaret's work again, just that I didn't click with this one. 3.5 stars from me.

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