Sunday, October 12, 2014

Unsettled & Surrounded-- S.C. Ellington

After a horrific breakup with her longtime boyfriend, Brooklyn Caldwell is completely disenchanted with the notion of mingling with the opposite sex. Damon Williams had been everything she thought she wanted…until he wasn’t.

In an attempt to escape her heartbreaking past, Brooklyn seeks refuge in bustling Washington, D.C. where she folds into the fast-paced society unnoticed…until she meets a young entrepreneur, Logan Colton.

Brooklyn is surprised to find that while she has been successful in keeping the opposite sex at bay, somehow she is defenseless against Logan’s confidence and charm—and it doesn’t hurt that he is absurdly beautiful.

As much as Logan didn’t plan on pursuing her, he is drawn to Brooklyn’s muted beauty and her witty persona. For all his success, Logan is ensnared in the coveted world of unequivocal wealth and power, but behind closed doors is taunted by his own demons and an undeniable need to atone for a monumental mistake.

As the two embark on a tumultuous obstacle course saturated with unknown twists and turns, Brooklyn is left to question whether she can endure the journey ahead


Wow. First off, let me just say how much of a jerkface Damon is. To end something with Brooklyn, after all that they had endured- yeah, major ass. So, when she meets Logan- it is wonderful. The fact that he is immediately so taken with her, and quite protective of her as well (given that her boss is just as much a jerk), gives you those alpha chills.
I was a bit torn between wanting to shake some sense into Brooklyn at times for dragging her feet with Logan, and then being proud of her for being smart with her heart given her past relationship. It just seemed that she wanted to blame the world of men in general for Damon's mistake. This did bother me a bit. It was obvious that Logan was so completely different than Damon, and he only wanted to love her.
All in all, I would give Unsettled 4 stars- there were pros and cons to the story for me. I, of course, don't want to list spoilers- but yeah, I would recommend you to pick it up.

Everything was falling into place. Even amongst all the chaos of Washington D.C., Brooklyn and Logan found each other.

Brooklyn never expected Logan...and as it always seems to happen with her...things fell apart. She has been through this before...was she strong enough to do it again?

On the outside, Logan was the epitome of wealth and confidence. Many knew his name but few knew his secrets. He never expected Brooklyn...but now she's walked away. He knew what they shared mattered to her...and she...she mattered to him more.

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Well, I have to say that I did enjoy getting Logan's POV even more than hearing Brooklyn's in Unsettled. To hear all of the things that Logan had been through, from his own voice- it was heartbreaking. The guilt and pain that he carried, all for things beyond his control- oh god. Then, to see that Brooklyn almost seemed to be blind to forgiveness, all because of what Damon had done to her, no- just no.
There were actually times that I hated Brooklyn here. I thought of her a just a spoiled little brat, immature and childish- and not good enough to deserve the love that Logan had to give. I understood her heartache from Damon, but to turn Logan away, without even trying to discover the truth- it sickened me. Any blind person could have seen how much he loved Brooklyn, so for her to act as though she meant nothing to him- yeah, totally brat like behavior.
While Logan was definitely a hero of the story, in my mind- Brooklyn was most certainly no heroine. I am sure there are those who will disagree with me, this is just my perspective. I do give this one 4 stars, and while I don't care for Brooklyn- I would recommend it, at least to get Logan's story.

S.C. Ellington is an African American author who enjoys expressing her creativity through frequently writing adult, contemporary romance novels that readers can relate to, but more importantly, enjoy.

Aside from writing, Ellington enjoys curling up with her e-reader and absorbing herself in novels loaded with emotion, desire, and passion. She also likes to spend sunny, wistful afternoons, in her hammock thinking up new ideas for great stories. Her debut novel, Unsettled was generated while consuming her favorite snacks--hot chocolate and popcorn.

Ellington currently resides on the west coast with her beautiful Keurig, family and loving friends.

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