Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wicked Beat, Sinners on Tour-- Olivia Cunning

Okay, so why in THE HELL have I not started Olivia's shit before this one?? What is wrong with me?? Sexy tatted up rock stars, that love hot sex--- yeah, like I said, what is wrong with me?? And I apparently just came in on the tail end of this series because there are like three or four before this...... Damn I gotta catch up, lol.
But this particular one is about Eric and Rebekah, drummer and sound board operator (respectively) of Sinners, a hard rock band. Rebekah is new to the gig, which was formerly held by her brother Dave, but he is out of commission due to an auto accident which left him pretty messed up. Enter Rebekah, happy to help out and get her foot in the door, all the while secretly crushing on a different band member, Trey. However, Eric falls head over heels for her, and fast- and luckily, Trey is an awesome friend, so he helps to redirect all of that attention from Becks (my own lil nickname), right on back to Eric. Doesn't take much since she is as into Eric as he is her, once she opens her eyes and sees past the prior lust induced fog that Trey caused. And so it begins. These two fall hard and fast, and as unbelievable as it may seem- it really is a pure and deep love that they have. Especially when Eric helps Becks move past a terrible demon from her past, one that has made it near impossible to connect to many people at all. It is beautiful!! I love Eric, he is just the most romantic man, and has no problem showing her how much he loves her. Actually, none of the guys in the band have a problem showing their women any love-- and it is so refreshing to see that. I can't wait to read the rest of the series, as well as the Sole Regret series, as they sound just as yummy ;)
5 steamy stars

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